Thursday 3 November 2011

Thing 20: The Library Routes Project and Library Day in the Life Project

Thing 20 of cpd23 asked us to write about our library roots (how and why we got into the library profession) and our library routes (the path our career has taken so far) and to add a link to the Library Routes Project wiki. 

I'd already written about how I came to be a Librarian for thing 10, however thought I'd take the chance to tart it up a little bit and give it a post of it's own. See my Library Routes and Roots post.

Reading through other posts made me realise how few people make a conscious decision to become a librarian, many like me just seem to fall into it. Even working in a public library I didn't understand the diversity of roles out there until I carried some research - I went on to complete a MSc in Information and Library Management and now work in a business library. People are genuinely surprised that I need a Masters degree to do my current role and I bet most of my surveyor colleagues don't know that I'm a qualified librarian. It seems a shame that so few people know about librarianship as a career option, however I guess with all of our other experience we librarians must be as varied as the library posts we fill, which can only be a good thing for the profession.

Thing 20 also mentions the Library Day in the Life project, a wiki which contains links to posts about a day or week in the life of a librarian at a given point in the year. The last day in the life took place in July. In my current role I have two types of days, enquiry days and non-enquiry days so though it would be a good idea to blog about both. My entries were Monday for a Commercial Librarian and A Day on Enquiry Duty.

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